Q: I would like some information about your Holiday Gift Shop.
A: A Small World Gift Shop is a store, set-up in your school, run by your
parent volunteers. By having the children shop in the school, they are
always in a safe environment. Everything is 100% on consignment!! We
supply you with everything you need to run your fair. We supply you with
posters, money envelopes (which help the children budget their money),
tableclothes, and gift bags. Best of all, we pay for the shipping to and from
your school! Our gift shop boutique gives the children an opportunity to
make beautiful memories with their loved ones.
Q: What is the price range of the gifts, what is the assortment and how many
items do we receive?
A: We have over 200 items in our Santa Secret Shoppe, not everything is in
our brochure or on our website. Our gift prices range from $.15 to $8.00.
Most gifts are priced under $5.00. When we send our Holiday Shoppe to
your school, we send you an assortment: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, all
other family members, pets, teacher, holidays, kids items, jewelry and
sports. If there are any items you do not want included in your shop, just
let us know. We usually send over 150 different items. We base your
Christmas Holiday Boutique on the number of students in your school
and if your had a sale the year before we will ask you the total amount
sold. We send you plenty of product.
Q: What if we are running out of product and need to reorder?
A: You may place an order by calling our office at 1-800-530-0169 or faxing
it to us at 1-718-442-9014 (please call to verify that your fax was
received). All reorders must me placed by 1:30pm Eastern Standard
Time to receive it by the next day. If your school is in our direct area we
will deliver your reorder the same day or the next morning. All other
orders will be shipped via UPS next day delivery.
You can also now use our online reorder form to receive your additional products.
Q: Can we get a cash register, and do you have coded merchandise?
A: Yes, we have a limited number of cash registers available upon request.
We also offer coded merchandise with coded cash registers. All the
merchandise comes with numbers on the bottom, and the register is
programmed so that pressing the number that matches the item will
automatically bring up the correct price. The registers can be programmed with whatever
price increase you would like to make on your Bazaar. For example, if
you would like a 20% profit at the end of your sale, you would program
your register with the 20% increase already included. You could also let
us know the profit you would like and we could program your register
for you.
Q: Can we price mark the merchandise ourselves?
A: Unfortunately not. All items are on consignment and any items marked are not returnable.
Most people write the price on the tablecloths we provide to you or
use mailing type stickers and write the price on the sticker and stick it to the
tablecloth in front of the item.
Q: What about broken or missing items?
A: Damaged items can be returned at the same time of your unsold items at
the end of Holiday Store. Any items that are missing, should be recorded
on your inventory sheets. Of course you are not charged for the missing
or damaged items.
Q: How do we receive the merchandise? What do we do when we receive
it, and then how do we return it when we finish the sale?
A: The merchandise is shipped UPS or by our own delivery trucks. We
always advise getting your Holiday Fair at least a week before you are set to begin. When the
items arrive at the school, you will receive a master inventory sheet. Each
box has its own paperwork so it is very easy to do an inventory.
You should always do an inventory upon receiving your merchandise to check
for shortage or damaged items.
When you finish your sale, we recommend doing another inventory, or after you send it back to us we will inventory it
for you and send you a bill. Please condense the boxes to as few as
possible and call us for UPS return labels. Please put a copy of your
inventory sheets inside one of the boxes (if you did your own inventory,
please also include your check), then seal the boxes, put one sticker on each
box and give them to the UPS driver who comes to your school everyday.
If the UPS driver does not come to your school on a daily bases, please call A SMALL
WORLD GIFT SHOP (1-800-530-0169) and we will arrange for your complimentary pickup.
Q: How long should a school run A Small World Gift Shop?
A: A Small World Gift Shop Holiday Fair should run for at
least three to five days, depending on the size of your school.
This would make it easier for all children to have enough time
to choose their gift items. Also, if any child did not bring their
money on their classes shopping day, they would have the chance
to shop the next day, and if any child wanted to by more items
they could have a chance to go back again!
Q: Are there any risks with this type of gift shop? What happens
if we cancel?
A: No, there is no risk at all! All merchandise is on consignment. You only
pay for the items that you sell. Whatever your school does not sell is 100%
If you cancel your fair before it has shipped from our facilities, you are not
responsible for any fees. However, if it has already left our facilities and
has been delivered to your school, you would then be responsible for the
shipping cost to and from your school.
Q: Is the Holiday Christmas Fair a fundraiser?
A: Yes, you can mark your items up 10%, 20% 30% above our prices. Your
profit margin is all up to your individual school's needs.
Q: How do we sign up for A Small World Gift Shop?
A: Please have your PTA, PTO or H.S.A. Fundraising Chairperson call
1-800-530-0169 and we will fax, email or mail you our Sales Agreement
Contract. Fill in all the information and fax it back to us at:
1-718-442-9014, and please call us to make sure your fax has been received!
You can also email it back to info@molyn.com or mail it to our address:
A Small World Gift Shop
Molyn Enterprises, Inc.
388 South Avenue - Suite B
Staten Island, NY 10303
We do not need any firm dates until September or October when we start to set up our holiday delivery
Please remember the Holiday Boutique is a service for the children.
It is a place for them to shop safely and have a great time. The
fair is all about fun, so add some extra treats for the kids.
Maybe show a holiday movie, or have pictures with Santa. Let them
decorate a stocking, or a holiday ornament, give out candy canes. Let
them enjoy themselves, that's what it's all about!